Thr International Leather Import Export SNC, also known as ILIE SNC, was born in 1974, with the target to import leather and sintetic materials to produce shoes, bags and other kind of leather goods. At the beginning the company imported some kinds of leather skins like lambs, pigs, goats and other from many foreign tanneries, mostly situated on the east of Europe and Asia. The company imported leather scraps and pieces too, due by the growing economy. Factories in that years need lot of leather and leather scraps to keep the production up with the demand and the costs low.

Market’s Changes brought the company to change is politic too, then ILIE start exporting Italian Leather in foreign countries situated all over the globe, America, Asia, Africa and the rest of Europe.
Since The Beginning the objects of the business are Leather Skins and Leather Scraps, serving importers, factories and handcrafter all around.
Today, the tecnology applied on the leather achieved a very high level, unthinkable only 15 years ago. This made leather’s offer pratically infinity.
Colours, shades, processing, printing, reflex and consistency of modern leather, are in brand new tipes and quality never thinked before and our mission is to offer the best on the market to our customers, keeping the best price possible.